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Tag: Mostra Communication

Totale: 88

VNR: You Control Climate Change

This morning, Stefano Schio is using his car to go to the Venice town hall, where he works. He drives a few kilometres before arriving at a transit car parking which has been recently created by the Venice city council.After a short wait, he gets on a bus. He will not have to walk for more than a few minutes before he gets to his office.
Interviews:Anna Bressan, Municipality of Venice
Eduardo Tognon, Venetian Energy Agency
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Laura Fincato, Member of Parliament and Environmental Councillor
Jaroslav Stercl, ZS Namesti ... continua

En finir avec la pauvreté des enfants en Europe

Les enfants qui grandissent dans la pauvreté etl’exclusion sociale ont moins de chances que leurs pairs mieux lotis deréussir à l’école, d’être en bonne santé et d’éviter d’être confrontés à lajustice pénale. Ils sont également susceptibles de rencontrer davantage dedifficultés pour faire leur entrée sur le marché du travail et trouver leurplace au sein de la société.
La reprise économique récente et la baisse du taux dechômage ne se sont pas traduites par une réduction de la pauvreté desenfants. La théorie du ruissellement ne marche ... continua

The EU and Afghanistan: Supporting renewal through security and development

The past six years in Afghanistan have been marked by a struggle to maintain the peace and build the institutions of economic and social revival. This is no easy task in a country driven by two and half decades of conflict. The EU has developed a comprehensive range of measures and missions, with an emphasis on areas of greatest concern, like the burgeoning drugs production and its impact on the security situation, as well as on progress in rural and economic development and supporting the rights of women. What progress lies beneath the ... continua

Turning waste into resources

As Europe grows wealthier it creates more and more rubbish. Every man, woman and child in the EU generates over a kilo of waste every day. Multiply that figure by nearly half a billion EU citizens and it quickly becomes clear that managing our waste without harming the environment is a major headache.
European citizens are deeply concerned about the waste mountain building up around them and there is a growing realization that we cannot continue dumping vast quantities of rubbish without serious environmental consequences. But this has not stopped the amount of waste ... continua

Clean air for all

Cars have long served as the chief means of transport in cities. Their use has risen from one year to the next: for every 100 trips, 82 are made by car, 12 in public transport and 6 by bicycle. Over the longer term, this creates two major problems: ever longer (and more stressful) traffic jams and increasingly dense air pollution in cities. The latter aspect is particularly alarming because it has a direct harmful impact on people’s health.In societies undergoing steady demographic changes, traffic has risen significantly in cities. Urban areas are sources of growth ... continua

Air travel: new rights for people with reduced mobility

As the summer holidays approach a new European regulation will guarantee more rights for both the disabled and people with reduced mobility when they travel by air. Nearly one in five Europeans can require assistance for travelling or communicating.
From 26 July 2008, these people will have the right to assistance and certain services in all European Union airports, as well as on board aircraft operating throughout European territory.
Under the new regulation the following changes must be made:
- Refusing reservation or boarding on the grounds of a disability or a ... continua

Banning misleading labels in Europe

Food products will need to meet the requirements of nutrient profiles to bear nutrition and health claims. Nutrient profiles will be based on the content of nutrients such as fat, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, salt and sugars, excessive intakes of which in the overall diet are not recommended. Nutrition claims can fail one criterion, i.e. if only one nutrient (salt, sugar or fat) exceeds the limit of the profile a claim can still be made. In such cases the high level of that particular nutrient must be clearly marked on the label, ... continua

Smart Cars to Reduce Road Accidents

Every year Bidendum Challenge brings cars of the future together for a series of races. It's a lot of fun, but it's also a chance to compare new technologies.Some of the vehicles doing battle in the French capital, Paris, this year are prototypes equipped with highly sophisticated technology that could save many, many lives.It's drivers like Frédéric Blanc that new safety features will help in particular. The Frenchman's still wounded by a serious accident he had two years ago.
Frederic Blanc,Maxime FlamentMatthias SchlzeAngelos Amditis
Visit the ... continua

Europe's forgotten citizens - Defending Roma rights in the European Union

There are between ten and twelve million Roma living in the European Union today– roughly equal to the populationof a medium-sized EU Member State, like Belgium or Greece.
Yet despite the fact that the Roma have played an integral part in European history and culture for over seven centuries, most of us still know very little about them. And what we think we do know is more often than not based on ignorance, prejudice and stereotypes.
This has led to a situation where millions of Roma in the EU today face extreme levels of social deprivation. 
Unemployment in ... continua

Research to Protect Deep-sea Corals

Swedish marine biologist Toomas Lundalv and Lisbeth Jonsson arrive early at their research boat. Thery are taking advantage of the longer, warmer Scandinavian summer-days to sail off the Tisler Reefm, an area just one hour from the coast, near the maritime border between Sweden and Norway. They are looking for Europe's secret underwater gardens: deep-water coral reefs. They use this Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) to take pictures of the reef. And this is what they find: the largest onshore deep-water coral reefs discovered in Europe to date. The reefs is around 1200 ... continua